Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Pan Fried Tofu in Oyster Sauce

It’s already holy week, and as much as possible, I want to cook something that is worth eating this holy week. Veggies and fish is a must, so here’s the recipe I tried earlier this morning.

Tofu in Oyster Sauce. Healthy isn’t it? =) It was my first time to taste this dish, because every time my mom cooks tofu, it’s either Tokwa’t baboy or fried tofu.

Oyster sauce is really helpful, because you can really play with it. You can mix it with any veggies and voila, a simple recipe would turn into a really delicious meal. 

3 tokwa – cut into small squares
2 table spoons of soysauce
2 table spoons of oyster
1/2 table spoon of white sugar
Olive oil for frying
1 table spoon of cornstarch
1 cup of hot water

What you need to do:
On a bowl, mix the water, cornstarch, soy sauce, sugar and oyster. Set aside.

♥ Pan fry the tokwa until golden brown on the outside. Remove from pan.

♥ On the same pan where you cooked the tokwa, put the water mixture. Let it boil; continue stirring until the sauce gets thicker.

♥ Add the cooked tofu.

♥ Let it simmer for another 5 minutes.

♥ Serve with love and eat without guilt! 

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